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             SAVE THE PANGOLINS...                                               THE KUKANG RESCUE...

          In 2019, the pangolin, an evolutionarily unique mammal, was selected as   In 2022 the Gabrielis Foundation decided to expand its support to a group
          a visual symbol of the PANGO pen in the PenMaster catalog. In 2021, the   of Czech experts on a mission to save endangered species in Sumatra and

          Gabrielis Foundation continued to build on this initiative and decided to   to fight against illegal trade of those species. As a result, we made a pro-
          partner with a project dedicated to protecting pangolins.  ject to save the loris as part of our program.
            Trenggiling Conservation Program | Saving Pangolins                   KUKANG COFFEE

               – the only scaly mammals in the world – in Sumatra         the story of coffee, that protects nature
          A new conservation program to protect these unique scaly mammals – pango-  The Kukang Rescue Program protects slow lorises and other endangered wild
          lins – has been launched on the Indonesian island of Sumatra by Czech conser-  animals in Indonesia from poaching and illegal trade. It has built a rescue and
          vationists. Due to the demand for their scales and meat, pangolins are current-  rehabilitation centre for slow lorises in Sumatra, educates the locals, and active-
          ly the world‘s most traffi  cked mammals. Trenggiling Conservation Program   ly supports their sustainable development.
          focuses on the critically endangered species of Sunda pangolin.   As the people living in the area grow coffee, in 2018 the Kukang Coff ee pro-

          An important aspect of the program is the fight against poaching of pangolins,   ject saw the light of day. Within this project, The Kukang Rescue Program is hel-

          education about pangolins, nature conservation, and the active involvement   ping local farmers with the best possible, nature-friendly method of producing

          of the local community. Additionally, the program has established a rescue and   coffee beans. The program then buys the beans from the farmers for a fair pri-
          rehabilitation center for critically endangered pangolins in the northern part of   ce, which is higher than the price on the local market. In exchange, however,

          the island, with the aim of returning them to the wild.  farmers gathered in the Kukang Coffee community must contractually comply
          Would you like to become a part of this rescue program and support it?    with the ban on hunting protected species.
          You can contribute to this transparent bank account:   The Kukang Coffee project is supervised by a trained three-member Indonesi-

          IBAN: CZ9020100000002201910691,                        an team composed of former poachers, who have now become passionate con-
          BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX, add a note: “DONATION“.        servationists.


          By purchasing a Fibre and Minera pen (pg 20), you will support the rescue of   By purchasing a Bottli and Coffi pen (pg 21), you will support the conservation

          pangolins by 0,02 € of each bought pen.                of slow lorises by 0,02 € of each bought pen.
                        More Information about the project                     More Information about the project
                     WWW.TRENGGILING.ORG                                  WWW.KUKANG-COFFEE.ORG

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